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Wanna Race?
Wanna Race?
January 01 1970 01:01:44 AM ESTphoto -
Some guy in Germany sees this thing in a dealership window... The Internet sparks to life to inform us that 21 of these race-ready Mercedes-Benz SLR GTR are planned, each costing 750,000 Euros [1 million big ones]

Connect the dots with the buzz that Corvette won't race in 2008 without competition and BBV hits the keyboard.....

"Dear Mercedes-Benz USA,

At the next Mercedes-Benz Polo Challenge out at the uber-posh Bridgehampton, NY Polo Club, please take up a collection among the team captains and your spectators to "pony up" for a set GTRs so that you can field some real horsepower in the 2008 ALMS.

As we all know, a polo "patron" (pronounced pah-trone, with the nose angled obliquely skyward]) can spend $1,000,000 or more to compete in high goal polo at the tournament level, so it seems we can put you down for at least 1 GTR the next time a few chukkers get rained out.....

In appreciation, we will contact Mr. Robert Lutz and arrange a first meeting with Corvette at Sebring.


Oh, and Messrs. Jim Press at Cerberus / Chrysler [Viper], Carlos Gohn of Nissan [350Z], Martin Winterkorn at Audi [R8], et al, we may need to be contacting you all, as well.