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| GM Press Conference Webcast | |
|  | August 04 2009 05:30:00 PM EST | |
| Today at 1:00pm Eastern GM is holding a telephone conference for members of the press to announce the Arrival of the new GT2 ALMS Corvettes and answer questions.
We have been given the call-in number and while we aren't expecting to be called on when we raise our hand, we're going to record the whole thing and play it back for you once it's over.
It's going to work just like a PitCam but without video. They've asked us to leave out the beginning where they give out passwords and addresses of press related sites, but as soon as they get down to business you'll get audio right here.
We're going to start our re-broadcast as soon as they hang up so make sure you stay tuned so you don't miss it!
Update: Here's the quicktime file to listen to - [GM GT2 Press Conference] It's a little like listening to a 1930s fireside chat, and it's a little hard to hear certain people (godug, you talk into the part where the cord comes out) but you get the idea. |
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