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Fan Passion
Fan Passion
August 29 2009 05:59:43 PM EST
While godug is busy rallying the Corvette fanbase in Mosport, the grassroots passion works @ many levels.

Rick Liesmann [a BBV reader] writes us - �I frequent the Auto Boards at have tried to get many of the NASCAR-only fans involved with ALMS and other sportscar series."
He also sent us this JO Corvette story-link.

But, here comes the �punchline�- Rick is a Lizards Porsche fan!

* �When the Vettes ran in GT1 they were my team of choice.�, he professes.
* But, here he is - Still supporting the Corvette brand and watching Corvette Racing progress.

Which proves Corvette Racing elevates the Corvette brand.

* From the misconception of those who may still think �mid-life-crisis-bling-bling-mobile�,
* To the attention of real sportscar fans who know real sportscar credentials.

All Good.