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Laguna 2011 - BadBoy Up? Or Buckle Down?
Laguna 2011 - BadBoy Up? Or Buckle Down?
September 16 2011 03:13:01 PM ESTchrevrolet
Remember the 'old' days [like above]? We do.
We even remember that Corvette Racing is aggressively still in the 2011 Championship fight, heading into this next-to-last race - at Laguna Seca.

But, after reading some 'fan' comments about the 2011 season, not sure if we all recall that fact.

The CR team, crew, and drivers know. And now, we ask you. What attitude should the team bring to this race [and the Petit Le Mans finale] to get the 2011 job done? -

* Amp up the BadBoy 'Take No Prisoners' Swagger? Or....
* Buckle down that last bit, get even more serious, narrow the eyes, focus extra-intensely?

We have a bias to OUR answer. Mostly driven by the 2007 Laguna Jake-edition C6R's and what they represented - a 'just go get'em' rallying cry for maxed-out Corvette badass attitude.

Maybe we need more of THAT. Right now.
But, that may NOT be the GM / Chevy / Corvette mindset. We note that in the 'Pictures' historical inventory of what's supposed to be all the races, no 2007 Laguna images 'exist'! [the Internet version of hiding 'the porn' when the parents come over?]

OMG, Jake is too harsh for Corvette?
Corvette 'should be' more serious, more corporate, more buttoned up?

Hope not. Because what would the fans do with all the Jake diecasts, slotcars, apparel, commemoratives, etc. you bought from Chevy Corvette?

The 6hr ALMS race at Laguna Seca is Saturday, Sept 17, starting 1:30PM PST. Live video coverage is on in the US and for the rest. ESPN2 will televise the race on Sunday, Sept 18, at 1:00PM EST.

Tell us what you think, but OUR vote remains MORE BBV attitude. All the way to the checker!

PS - Maybe we need to party, again, too?