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Forget Jake For A Bit. Let"s Be Frank.
Forget Jake For A Bit.  Let's Be Frank.
September 18 2011 02:35:04 PM EST
Why the Toyota F1 pic? We'll get to that....

So, THAT didn't go well.
But, the Laguna Seca race recap is a merely another 'symptoms report', NOT the root cause.
And in racing it gets really dangerous, when a team doesn't get frank with itself.

Stay calm, Corvette fans.
This post is NOT a witch-hunt.
Put down the torches, there is no Frankenstein up the hill or in our minds.

OUR point is this.....
To fix Corvette Racing for 2012 means the team, Chevrolet, AND fans must look beyond -

* The frustration of the BMW exemptions. [Porsche's won as many as BMW, right?]
* Just blaming the Drivers. [It's tough to look 100% brilliant pushing 11/10's to carry a car.]
* The 'Sh*t Happens in racing' mindset. [You may not control destiny, but you CAN influence it.]
* It's the Dunlops vs the Michelins.
* We got no Direct Injection.
* CR needs needs a bigger Budget.
* Etc., etc., etc....

All we are saying is THIS.....
If Corvette Racing is still the Corvette Racing we love / respect, we know that they will study the situation openly / honestly [among themselves] and apply the right commitment, energy, study, expertise, preparation, and effort to fix the troubles.

And GM / Chevrolet will show the right dedication / respect to Corvette Racing and everything it has done [and can do] for the brand / company / image / reputation / employees / owners / fans / and more, to extend to the men / women of Corvette Racing the dedication of resources and support it needs / deserves.

But, why the picture of a Toyota F1 car?.....
Because just like it's CART IndyCar program before it [just scroll a bit], the racing world remembers how Toyota blamed the drivers / teams rather than confront the real issues that hurt their success.

Corvette Racing is better than that.