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Stop the Car! Or Drive Faster!
Stop the Car!  Or Drive Faster!
September 26 2008 11:57:21 AM EST
There's a freakin' Stingray on our roof! Don't you see it? Well, take the other pill and look, again.

But seriously, do we like this car or not?
Let me explain why WE DO....and what would make it cooler still -

* THIS Corvette IS Corvette - Heritage, PLUS boldly unique. But, thank God, it's NOT a pure heritage redo [eg- Challenger? Why?].

* THIS car is 'F-me boots on a babe'. Not the most sophisto style, but you always look......

* This should be the C7, as it stops the slow evo of Corvette design and shocks the system at a time when dramatic change is the 'litmus test' to say 'we are on it' for the future.

* As important as Volt is to Chevy / GM, is Volt really the best 'poster child' for GM / GM Design? THIS Corvette, still priced affordably, but with a mega-rev 2.4L V8 [just like F1], supercharged, with a KERS system [together delivering the 'right' power-to-weight for Vette-level performance] ....some type of coil-over / electronics-managed suspension, ultra-low CD aero tricks, a kick-ass driver's cabin, and really light weight ....would rule the roads / dominate the auto media / be the global statement car for GM Design and Technology.

* Oh yeah, and then make a race version and run THAT @ Le Mans / ALMS in GT2.

A new BadBoy, indeed!