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June 18 2009 08:03:38 PM EST
Above you see 2 of the 3 cars that told the story of LM 2009.
For it was Corvette and Audi that showcased 'commitment' the strongest.
In opposite directions, believe it or not.

Everyone has tried to take a piece of Corvette Racing over the years and failed.

The commitment of the Corvette team and its players - eg; the Binks�es, the Fehans, the entire CR crew � shows the world how a job gets done.

In 2009, for whatever reasons, Audi [or its Finance Board] lost their commitment � cut the budget, compromised with short-cuts, bought into their own invincibility. Whatever. Instead, a truly committed Peugeot jumped the opportunity. And drove their spear home � with a passion.

Lesson-learned for all?

PS- To close this chapter in Corvette Racing, The Richard Prince Le Mans 2009 Album @ BBV.