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What Do You Think?.....
What Do You Think?.....
May 15 2011 05:17:43 AM ESTrendering - []
......about Grand-Am announcing their 2012 Daytona Prototype spec changes.

Exterior dimensions and, therefore, the looks of the DP cars are intended to allow manufacturers to see cars with more brand identity / synergy with their for-sale production vehicles and....

* To rid the racing world of the 'pregnant turtles' that have bred in G-A.

The rendering of what a 2012 Corvette DP would look like is for your consideration. Still, it will be easy for the ALMS loyalists that populate BBV to reply with a dismissive "Who cares".....

However, before you dismiss, consider the following -

* Chevy and Pratt + Miller support Grand-Am with Engines, Race Cars [Camaros], and Drivers [Corvette pilots Mags / Gavin loaned out to said Camaros].

* ALMS and G-A will never merge. So, they either will co-exist or fight each other to the death.

* Manufacturers won't take sides in this Series war [that's reality, BBV'ers]. They'll support anything that sells them cars and provides them marketing.

* DP's, unlike GT's, fight for overall race wins.

Sooooo, what do YOU think? -

* Should there be a 2012 Corvette DP?
* If there are, will you follow the action?
* Should the factory CR / PM team step in and do it right?